Cassia lower crop yields foreseen 2020/2021

Cassia season is starting in Indonesia and Vietnam and China will follow soon. Lower yields are foreseen this year.

The early bird catches the worm

The early bird catches the worm

The main growing areas for African Bird’s Eye Chilies nowadays are Malawi, Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria. Lower prices the last couple of years have resulted in farmers looking for other products.

Muntok white pepper exporters in a squeezed situation

Muntok white pepper exporters in a squeezed situation

The crop yield of Muntok white pepper from Bangka and Belitung has dropped with about 50% compared to last year, perhaps even less.

Sial 2020 postponed to 2022

Sial 2020 postponed to 2022

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the international exhibition has been postponed to 2022, when it will take place from 15 to 19 October.



After being the first broker in spices, herbs, edible seeds and dehydrated vegetables to achieve BRC (AA) certification. Now Van der Does will be the first broker to introduce eSigning to the spice market.

Lang Son Premium

Lang Son Premium

New crop staraniseeds from Vietnam is available. For this product there are 2 crops (autumn & spring); autumn crop is the far better quality in colour, size and overall appearance.



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