The El Niño impact on spices production

The El Niño impact on spices production

El Niño is a natural phenomenon that causes abnormal warming of sea surface temperature in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean.

The European Spice Sector

The European Spice Sector

Herbs and spices are the ingredients used to give food and beverage products aroma, flavour, preservation, and colour.

Bullish Chinese Garlic

Bullish Chinese Garlic

In the last two weeks, the market for dehydrated garlic from China has seen a significant increase in demand. This surge in demand is primarily due to a combination of speculation and a new crop outlook, which suggests a 15-20% decrease in yield.

Brazil pink pepper 2023

Brazil pink pepper 2023

Brazil has had some extreme weather which will effect the 2023 crop for pink pepper. The off-season was marked by exceptional rainfall as never seen before during October-February. This has caused losses of trees.

Spicy Rabbit 2023

Spicy Rabbit 2023

Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is a time for celebration and tradition in China. One of the important elements of the celebration is food, and spices play a key role in traditional Chinese cuisine.



We can’t thank you enough for all of your support this year. From our entire team, we want to wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!

BRC AA certified

BRC AA certified

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved BRC AA certification the past month, an accomplishment for a small percentage of business reach.

Planning around the Cat

Planning around the Cat

Vietnam remains to be the most significant source for pepper, therefore planning around Lunar New Year and the TET festival remains important.


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