The European Commission coordinated an EU Coordinated Control Plan (the Plan) for Herbs and Spices in view of estimating the prevalence of non-compliances and the possible illegal practices in the marketing of herbs and spices in the European Union.
Importers should start to plan carefully ahead by now. Vietnamese Lunar New Year will be early in 2022, it will be at February 1st Lunar New Year is also known as the Vietnamese Têt festival.
Crop failure, disaster, complete chaos are just a few words that are used by our shippers for Pimento/Allspice from Mexico to describe the current situation.
(Bonn, 22 September 2021) The significant increases in raw material prices as well as additional costs for energy, packaging and logistics are placing a heavy burden on members of the German spice industry.
Lots of importers of allspice (pimento) are looking for market reports in order to schedule their buying for new crop. Mexico, the largest exporter of this item, has slowly started harvesting.
At Van der Does Spice Brokers food safety is of paramount importance. A food safety culture in our company and in our supply chain is our top priority. One of the key criteria on selecting new partners is if and how the senior management embraces food safety.
Harvesting of new crop garlic has started in China in the Henan province. Experts in the field tell us that the yield will definitely will be less compared to 2020. Jinxiang county (southwestern Shandong province) will start in some 2 weeks from now.
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