The year of the Tiger

The year of the Tiger

We have entered the year of the Tiger. Many wonder, will the tiger chase the bull or fight the bear. Considering the fundamentals in the spice markets we foresee the first.

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Follow us on LinkedIn

Want to be up to date on the markets for spices, herbs, seeds and dehydrated vegetables? Simply follow our company on Linkedin. 

Happy holidays

Happy holidays

The team of Van der Does Spice Brokers wishes you a merry Christmas and a sparkling fabulous New Year!

Our office will be closed for the holidays from December 24th until December 31st. We will resume working again on January 3rd.

In case of emergencies during the holidays please contact your personal broker directly.

EU Coordinated Control Plan for Herbs and Spices

EU Coordinated Control Plan for Herbs and Spices

The European Commission coordinated an EU Coordinated Control Plan (the Plan) for Herbs and Spices in view of estimating the prevalence of non-compliances and the possible illegal practices in the marketing of herbs and spices in the European Union.

Garlic rain and snow

Garlic rain and snow

Brace for impact?! Processors of garlic in China are worried about the outlook for the new crop in 2022.

Lunar new year 2022

Lunar new year 2022

Importers should start to plan carefully ahead by now. Vietnamese Lunar New Year will be early in 2022, it will be at February 1st Lunar New Year is also known as the Vietnamese Têt festival.

Mexican Pimento crop 2021

Mexican Pimento crop 2021

Crop failure, disaster, complete chaos are just a few words that are used by our shippers for Pimento/Allspice from Mexico to describe the current situation.

Shortage of raw materials and Corona consequences affect spice industry

Shortage of raw materials and Corona consequences affect spice industry

(Bonn, 22 September 2021) The significant increases in raw material prices as well as additional costs for energy, packaging and logistics are placing a heavy burden on members of the German spice industry.


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