Mexican allspice outlook

Mexican allspice outlook

We are receiving several reports from different sources, all containing the same message. The 2022 crop of Mexican allspice (pimento) will be delayed.

The main reason for the delay is the lack of rainfall. Usually the crop will start by the end of next month (July), this season it is expected start at least one month later. So the first shipments are foreseen by the end of August only or even in September only.

The big caveat, though, is that the harvest season is at the same time as the hurricane season. Next to that the market is failing any significant carry-over stocks.

Experienced buyers for this product know that allspice can always be a tricky item and that they should safeguard their requirements.

We have a limited availability for pre-crop offers, please contact our brokers for quotes and to discuss your specific requirements.


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