Seeds supply

Seeds supply

Everyone active in the spice industry will have noticed by the now the limited availability of sunflower seeds (oil). Unfortunately the Ukrainian Russian crisis will have its effect on other items for the spice industries worldwide as well.

The Ukraine and Russia are the largest supplier world wide of coriander seeds (and cilantro) and are in the top three of suppliers for mustard seeds.

Prices for both have already firmed up significantly and further increases are foreseen. For coriander this problem might be exacerbated by the situation in Morocco. Morocco is predicting the worst drought in decades. A nickname for coriander could be “curryander”; Asia is a large importer for coriander from East Europe because it is used in curry dishes. Some curry seasonings can contain up to one third of coriander seeds powder.

Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific requirements.


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