Mexican Allspice forecast

Mexican Allspice forecast

Lots of importers of allspice (pimento) are looking for market reports in order to schedule their buying for new crop. Mexico, the largest exporter of this item, has slowly started harvesting.

The first shipments are expected by the end of next month (August-2021). No independent agronomic reports seem to be available. Key parameters for price development are the exchange rate and of course supply and demand. Main disruptive factor is the weather conditions. In the past Mexico has been hit by hurricanes, which also had its influence on the availability and yield of allspice. We will not try to forecast the weather, most important factor to realise is that there are no carry overs from last season and rumours are that some major shippers still have some obligations. Because of this we do not see allspice dropping to the low price levels we have seen last season. New crop offers are available, please contact our brokerage desk.

Picture: weathernation


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