Black pepper
(Piper nigrum L.)
- FR. Poivre noir
- SP. Pimienta negra
- DE. Schwarzer Pfeffer
- IT. Pepe nero
- NL. Zwarte peper
- IN. Merica hitam
Exporting countries and harvesting season
- Brazil: Sep-Dec
- India: Nov-Feb
- Indonesia: Aug-Okt
- Malaysia: Jul-Sep
- Sri Lanka: Okt-Feb
- Vietnam: Feb-May
Main trade varieties
Asta, Cleaned, FAQ
Container qty
20' abt. 14 mtons / 40' abt. 25 mtons
Broker's comments
Next to cleanliness, pepper is also graded into several densities or by size (bold pepper corns). Other producing countries are for instance Guatamala, Honduras, Cambodia and Myanmar.