
Ochratoxine A 2023
Ochratoxine A: New maximum levels applicable from 1. January 2023. On 5 August, the associated amending regulation (Regulation (EU) 2022/1370) was published in the Official Journal of the European Commission.
The amendments affect, among others, the following food categories:
- the previous maximum level of 15 μg/kg for certain spices extended to all spices, with the exception of Capsicum spp. ,
- for dried herbs, a general maximum level of 10 μg/kg is introduced,
- for liquorice roots, a general maximum level of 20 μg/kg is introduced,
- for ginger roots, a maximum level of 15 μg/kg applies for use in herbal infusions,
- for marshmallow roots and dandelion roots a maximum level of 20 μg/kg applies for use in herbal infusions,
- for sunflower and pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds and soybeans a maximum level of 5 μg/kg will apply.
The Regulation will enter into force on 28 August 2022 and will apply from 1 January 2023. Products that have already been lawfully placed on the market before 1 January 2023 may remain on the market until their best-before or use-by date.
Source: European Spice Association